De la marque
The Original Kindling Cracker
A safe and easy way to make kindling with no moving blade or sharpened object passing by your hands
Splits firewood with less force than a standard axe
6.5dans. inside diameter top ring
Made of high-quality cast iron in Australia
Virtually maintenance-free
1. How long does it typically take to split a cord of firewood?
– The time it takes to split a cord of firewood can vary depending on the type of wood and the size of the logs, but on average it can take around 2-3 hours with a high-quality wood splitter.
2. What size logs can the wood splitter handle?
– Our wood splitter is capable of splitting logs up to 24 pouces de diamètre, making it suitable for a wide range of firewood sizes.
3. Is the wood splitter easy to transport and set up?
– Our wood splitter is designed to be portable and easy to transport, with built-in handles and wheels for convenient movement. Setup is simple and requires minimal assembly.
4. Can the wood splitter be used for splitting kindling as well?
– Oui, our wood splitter is versatile and can be used for splitting both larger logs for firewood and smaller pieces for kindling. It has adjustable settings to accommodate different sizes of wood.
5. What type of maintenance is required for the wood splitter?
– Regular maintenance of the wood splitter is important to ensure optimal performance. This includes checking and topping off hydraulic fluid, lubricating moving parts, and inspecting for wear and tear. It is also recommended to store the wood splitter in a covered area when not in use to protect it from the elements.
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