Thomas Balinger,
Autoharp Songbook
Hymns & Songs of Worship
60 popular hymns arranged for easy autoharp.
Aimed at the beginning player, each song is notated with chord symbols and strumming tablature to get you playing as fast as possible. All songs can be played on 15 button models as well as 21 button models.
There are no advanced melody arrangements or complicated fingerpicking techniques to master, just easy strumming patterns to help you develop a general feel for the instrument.
Complete with sections on tuning your autoharp, playing position, and basic playing technique. Chord diagrams for guitar, ukulele, mandolin, and dulcimer included so you can have your friends join in and double the fun!
1. Abide with me
2. Ah, holy Jesus
3. All creatures of our Lord and King
4. All hail the power of Jesus’ name
5. All praise to You, my God, this night
6. All the way my savior leads me
7. Amazing grace
8. A mighty fortress is our god
9. And can it be that I should gain
10. Are you washed in the blood
11. As with gladness men of old
12. At the cross (Alas! And did my savior bleed)
13. Beautiful savior
14. Beneath the cross of Jesus
15. Be Thou my vision
16. Blest be the tie that binds
17. Breathe on me, breath of God
18. Christ arose (Low in the grave He lay)
19. Christ the Lord is risen today
20. Come, Thou almighty king
21. Come, Thou fount of every blessing
22. Come, we that love the Lord
23. Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
24. Crown Him with many crowns
25. Down at the cross (Glory to His name)
26. Fairest Lord Jesus
27. Footsteps of Jesus
28. For the beauty of the earth
29. Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah
30. Holy, holy, holy
31. How firm a foundation
32. I need Thee every hour
33. I surrender all
34. It is well with my soul
35. Jesus paid it all
36. Jesus shall reign
37. Jesus, the very thought of Thee
38. Joyful, joyful we adore Thee
39. Joy to the world
40. Just as I am
41. Leaning on the everlasting arms
42. Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
43. Love divine, all loves excelling
44. My faith looks up to Thee
45. My hope is built on nothing less
46. Nearer, my God, to Thee
47. Near the cross
48. Nothing but the blood
49. O worship the king
50. Rock of ages
51. Savior, like a shepherd lead us
52. Shall we gather at the river
53. Take my life and let in be
54. The church’s one foundation
55. The old rugged cross
56. There is a fountain
57. ’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
58. To God be the glory
59. What a friend we have in Jesus
60. When I survey the wondrous cross
Publisher: Independently published (June 8, 2019)
Language: Anglais
Paperback: 93 pages
ISBN-10: 1072663236
ISBN-13: 978-1072663232
Poids de l'article: 10.7 onces
Dimensions: 8.5 X 0.21 X 11 pouces
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